Uttar Pradesh, India 
I write technical blogs on Dev.to and Medium
Proof of Work
All the work I have done so far in public && people's appreciation
* currently working on
SaaS platform for cross-posting content on multiple social media platforms. This tool helps users to efficiently manage and distribute their content across various social networks, saving time and effort. It includes features like scheduling and AI caption to ensure the best performance for each post.
* projects
An online learning platform for students and teachers. It allows users to purchase courses, take classes, and track their learning progress.
An end-to-end Instagram clone with features like chat, reels, and more.
A platform where people can create jobs, find and apply for them. It connects job seekers with employers.
* contributions
* writings
* primary skills
- nextjsreacttypescripttailwindcssnodejspostgresqlexpressmotion